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String pattern matching

June 20, 2021

It’s been quite some time since I coded in a lower level language than JavaScript. Distributed systems recently piqued my interest thus I decided to pick-up a lower level compiled language. I chose Rust which I knew nothing about. Inspired by @swyx’s “learn in public” I decided to document my journey learning Rust.

Matching a string against another one is a pattern you often use in development. For example let’s say we’d want to match a string representing a status against the different possible statuses. In JavaScript it could look like this:

const status = 'start';

switch (status) {
case 'ready':
  /** Do something **/

case 'start':
  /** Do something **/

case 'stop':
  /** Do something **/

  throw new Error('Unknown status');

Coming to Rust as a JS engineer you’d be tempted to write:

// Let's imagine this string comes from somewhere else
// and you'd get a String and not a string literal (&str)
let status = String::from("start");

match status {
  "ready" => /** Do something **/,
  "start" => /** Do something **/,
  "stop" => /** Do something **/,
  _ => /** Do something **/,

The compiler however will not agree as this code triggers an error:

error[E0308]: mismatched types
 --> src/
4 | match status {
  |       ------ this expression has type `String`
5 |     "ready" => (),
  |     ^^^^^^^ expected struct `String`, found `&str`

For those wondering I just replaced the comment blocks /** Do something **/ above by the unit type () so the compiler would not complain.

From what the compiler tells us, we understand that we gave the match operator a String but the pattern branches have &str (string literals). Rust does not know how to match these two types. We could try to rewrite it as followed:

let status = String::from("start");

match status {
  String::from("ready") => /** Do something **/,
  String::from("start") => /** Do something **/,
  String::from("stop") => /** Do something **/,
  _ => /** Do something **/,

Sadly this won’t cut it:

error[E0164]: expected tuple struct or tuple variant, found associated function `String::from`
 --> src/
5 |     String::from("ready") => (),
  |     ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^ `fn` calls are not allowed in patterns
  = help: for more information, visit

Function calls are not allowed in patterns (as the compiler says).

Actually the quickest way to make that code works is to cast the status String into a string literal. We can use status.as_str() or &status[..]:

let status = String::from("start");

match status.as_str() {
  "ready" => /** Do something **/,
  "start" => /** Do something **/,
  "stop" => /** Do something **/,
  _ => /** Do something **/,

This now compiles properly 🎉. Hope it helps.

Written by Jonas who lives in Lyon, France and he's passionate about Open Source and web development in general. Feel free to ping him on Twitter.